Yet Another Robot Platform
An example which shows how to use a Lua script to modify incoming data in an input port


This example demonstrates how to simply use the port monitor carrier to modify data going through a connection. The port '/write' from 'yarp write' module is connected to the '/read' port of 'yarp read' using a portmonitor plugged into the receiver side. The portmoniotr loads a Lua script ('bot_modifier.lua') in which we access and modify the data going through through the port.


  • Enable and compile portmonitor carrier (ENABLE_yarpcar_portmonitor_carrier=ON in YARP cmake).
  • Set LUA_CPATH to include Yarp-Lua binding library (e.g., export LUA_CPATH=";;;$YARP_ROOT/build/lib/lua/?.so")

Running the example

  • Open a terminal and run yarpserver
       $ yarpserver
  • Open another terminal (lets call this the sender terminal) and type
       $ yarp write /write
  • Open another terminal (lets call this the receiver terminal) )and change to the 'simple_modification' directory:
       $ cd $YARP_ROOT/example/portmonitor/simple_modification
       $ yarp read /read
  • In another terminal connect the port as follow
       $ yarp connect /write /read tcp+recv.portmonitor+type.lua+file.bot_modifier

Now if you write something in the 'sender' terminal, you will see the text "modified from Lua" will be added to the original message. For example:

[sender terminal]
[receiver terminal]
 Hello "modified from Lua"

As it is constrained in this PortMonitor.accept() method, If you type "ignore", the word will never be delivered to the input port.



-- loading lua-yarp binding library
-- accept is called when the port receives new data
-- @param thing The Things abstract data type
-- @return Boolean
-- if false is returned, the data will be ignored
-- and update() will never be called
PortMonitor.accept = function(thing)
if thing:asBottle():toString() == "ignore" then
return false
return true
-- update is called when the port receives new data
-- @param thing The Things abstract data type
-- @return Things
PortMonitor.update = function(thing)
bt = thing:asBottle()
bt:addString("modified from Lua :)")
return thing