Yet Another Robot Platform
yarpdataplayer recording example

Record a sequence of data from all sensors of the robot.


This application demonstrates how to record a sequence from the robot using the module yarpdatadumper. This sequence can be later re-played using the yarpdataplayer (see example application).


The robot or simulator should be running.

Instantiated Modules

Make sure you compiled yarpdatadumper if you want to execute this tutorial on your computer.

How to run the Application

On a console run yarpserver (if not already running) and an instance of yarprun:

yarprun --server /computer1

/computer1 is the name that YARP will use to execute commands on your machine.

Run yarpmanager:


Inside the application folder in the yarpmanager gui you should see an entry called yarpdataplayer_recording_example_, double click and open it.

Now you are ready to run the application. Hit the run button. After connecting the ports, the recording should automatically start.

See also
yarpdatadumper: the YARP data recorder
yarpdataplayer: replay recorded data