yarp::sig::Vector | operator+ (const yarp::sig::Vector &a, const double &s) |
| Mathematical operations. More...
yarp::sig::Vector | operator+ (const double &s, const yarp::sig::Vector &a) |
| Addition operator between a scalar and a vector (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Vector & | operator+= (yarp::sig::Vector &a, const double &s) |
| Addition operator between a scalar and a vector (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Vector | operator+ (const yarp::sig::Vector &a, const yarp::sig::Vector &b) |
| Addition operator between vectors, returns a+b (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Vector & | operator+= (yarp::sig::Vector &a, const yarp::sig::Vector &b) |
| Addition operator between vectors, returns a+b (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Matrix | operator+ (const yarp::sig::Matrix &a, const yarp::sig::Matrix &b) |
| Addition operator between matrices, returns a+b (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Matrix & | operator+= (yarp::sig::Matrix &a, const yarp::sig::Matrix &b) |
| Addition operator between matrices, returns a+b (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Vector | operator- (const yarp::sig::Vector &a, const double &s) |
| Subtraction operator between a vector and a scalar (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Vector | operator- (const double &s, const yarp::sig::Vector &a) |
| Subtraction operator between a scalar and a vector (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Vector & | operator-= (yarp::sig::Vector &a, const double &s) |
| Subtraction operator between a vector and a scalar (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Vector | operator- (const yarp::sig::Vector &a, const yarp::sig::Vector &b) |
| Subtraction operator between vectors, returns a-b (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Vector & | operator-= (yarp::sig::Vector &a, const yarp::sig::Vector &b) |
| Subtraction operator between vectors, returns a-b (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Matrix | operator- (const yarp::sig::Matrix &a, const yarp::sig::Matrix &b) |
| Subtraction operator between matrices, returns a-b (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Matrix & | operator-= (yarp::sig::Matrix &a, const yarp::sig::Matrix &b) |
| Subtraction operator between matrices, returns a-b (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Vector | operator* (double k, const yarp::sig::Vector &b) |
| Scalar-vector product operator (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Vector | operator* (const yarp::sig::Vector &b, double k) |
| Vector-scalar product operator (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Vector & | operator*= (yarp::sig::Vector &b, double k) |
| Vector-scalar product operator (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Vector | operator* (const yarp::sig::Vector &a, const yarp::sig::Matrix &m) |
| Vector-matrix product operator (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Vector & | operator*= (yarp::sig::Vector &a, const yarp::sig::Matrix &m) |
| Vector-matrix product operator (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Vector | operator* (const yarp::sig::Matrix &m, const yarp::sig::Vector &a) |
| Matrix-vector product operator (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Matrix | operator* (const yarp::sig::Matrix &a, const yarp::sig::Matrix &b) |
| Matrix-matrix product operator (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Matrix & | operator*= (yarp::sig::Matrix &a, const yarp::sig::Matrix &b) |
| Matrix-matrix product operator (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Matrix | operator* (const double k, const yarp::sig::Matrix &M) |
| Scalar-matrix product operator (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Matrix | operator* (const yarp::sig::Matrix &M, const double k) |
| Matrix-scalar product operator (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Matrix & | operator*= (yarp::sig::Matrix &M, const double k) |
| Matrix-scalar product operator (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Vector | operator* (const yarp::sig::Vector &a, const yarp::sig::Vector &b) |
| Vector-vector element-wise product operator (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Vector & | operator*= (yarp::sig::Vector &a, const yarp::sig::Vector &b) |
| Vector-vector element-wise product operator (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::math::Quaternion | operator* (const yarp::math::Quaternion &a, const yarp::math::Quaternion &b) |
| Quaternion-quaternion hamilton product operator (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Vector | operator/ (const yarp::sig::Vector &a, const yarp::sig::Vector &b) |
| Vector-vector element-wise division operator (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Vector & | operator/= (yarp::sig::Vector &a, const yarp::sig::Vector &b) |
| Vector-vector element-wise division operator (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Vector | operator/ (const yarp::sig::Vector &b, double k) |
| Vector-scalar division operator (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Vector & | operator/= (yarp::sig::Vector &b, double k) |
| Vector-scalar division operator (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Matrix | operator/ (const yarp::sig::Matrix &M, double k) |
| Matrix-scalar division operator (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Matrix & | operator/= (yarp::sig::Matrix &M, double k) |
| Matrix-scalar division operator (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Matrix | yarp::math::pile (const yarp::sig::Matrix &m1, const yarp::sig::Matrix &m2) |
| Matrix-Matrix concatenation by column (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Matrix | yarp::math::pile (const yarp::sig::Vector &v, const yarp::sig::Matrix &m) |
| Vector-Matrix concatenation (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Matrix | yarp::math::pile (const yarp::sig::Matrix &m, const yarp::sig::Vector &v) |
| Matrix-Vector concatenation (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Matrix | yarp::math::pile (const yarp::sig::Vector &v1, const yarp::sig::Vector &v2) |
| Vector-Vector concatenation (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Matrix | yarp::math::cat (const yarp::sig::Matrix &m1, const yarp::sig::Matrix &m2) |
| Matrix-Matrix concatenation by row (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Matrix | yarp::math::cat (const yarp::sig::Matrix &m, const yarp::sig::Vector &v) |
| Matrix-Vector concatenation (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Matrix | yarp::math::cat (const yarp::sig::Vector &v, const yarp::sig::Matrix &m) |
| Vector-Matrix concatenation (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Vector | yarp::math::cat (const yarp::sig::Vector &v1, const yarp::sig::Vector &v2) |
| Vector-Vector concatenation (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Vector | yarp::math::cat (const yarp::sig::Vector &v, double s) |
| Vector-scalar concatenation (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Vector | yarp::math::cat (double s, const yarp::sig::Vector &v) |
| Scalar-vector concatenation (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Vector | yarp::math::cat (double s1, double s2) |
| Scalar-scalar concatenation (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Vector | yarp::math::cat (double s1, double s2, double s3) |
yarp::sig::Vector | yarp::math::cat (double s1, double s2, double s3, double s4) |
yarp::sig::Vector | yarp::math::cat (double s1, double s2, double s3, double s4, double s5) |
double | yarp::math::dot (const yarp::sig::Vector &a, const yarp::sig::Vector &b) |
| Scalar product between vectors (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Matrix | yarp::math::outerProduct (const yarp::sig::Vector &a, const yarp::sig::Vector &b) |
| Outer product between vectors (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Vector | yarp::math::cross (const yarp::sig::Vector &a, const yarp::sig::Vector &b) |
| Compute the cross product between two vectors (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Matrix | yarp::math::crossProductMatrix (const yarp::sig::Vector &v) |
| Compute the cross product matrix, that is a 3-by-3 skew-symmetric matrix (defined in Math.h). More...
bool | yarp::math::crossProductMatrix (const yarp::sig::Vector &v, yarp::sig::Matrix &res) |
| Compute the cross product matrix, that is a 3-by-3 skew-symmetric matrix (defined in Math.h). More...
double | yarp::math::norm (const yarp::sig::Vector &v) |
| Returns the Euclidean norm of the vector (defined in Math.h). More...
double | yarp::math::norm2 (const yarp::sig::Vector &v) |
| Returns the Euclidean squared norm of the vector (defined in Math.h). More...
double | yarp::math::findMax (const yarp::sig::Vector &v) |
| Returns the maximum of the elements of a real vector (defined in Math.h). More...
double | yarp::math::findMin (const yarp::sig::Vector &v) |
| Returns the minimum of the elements of a real vector (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Vector | yarp::math::zeros (int s) |
| Creates a vector of zeros (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Vector | yarp::math::ones (int s) |
| Creates a vector of ones (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Matrix | yarp::math::eye (int r, int c) |
| Build an identity matrix (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Matrix | yarp::math::eye (int n) |
| Build a square identity matrix (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Matrix | yarp::math::zeros (int r, int c) |
| Build a matrix of zeros (defined in Math.h). More...
double | yarp::math::det (const yarp::sig::Matrix &in) |
| Computes the determinant of a matrix (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Matrix | yarp::math::luinv (const yarp::sig::Matrix &in) |
| Invert a square matrix using LU-decomposition (defined in Math.h). More...
bool | yarp::math::eigenValues (const yarp::sig::Matrix &in, yarp::sig::Vector &real, yarp::sig::Vector &img) |
| Computes eigenvalues of the n-by-n real nonsymmetric matrix (defined in Math.h). More...
double | yarp::math::sign (const double &v) |
| Invert a symmetric and positive definite matrix using Cholesky decomposition (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Vector | yarp::math::sign (const yarp::sig::Vector &v) |
| Returns the sign vector of a real vector, that is a vector with 1 if the value is positive, -1 if negative, 0 if equal to zero (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Vector | yarp::math::dcm2axis (const yarp::sig::Matrix &R) |
| Converts a dcm (direction cosine matrix) rotation matrix R to axis/angle representation (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Matrix | yarp::math::axis2dcm (const yarp::sig::Vector &v) |
| Returns a dcm (direction cosine matrix) rotation matrix R from axis/angle representation (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Vector | yarp::math::dcm2euler (const yarp::sig::Matrix &R) |
| Converts a dcm (direction cosine matrix) rotation matrix to euler angles (ZYZ) (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Matrix | yarp::math::euler2dcm (const yarp::sig::Vector &euler) |
| Converts euler angles (ZYZ) vector in the corresponding dcm (direction cosine matrix) rotation matrix (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Vector | yarp::math::dcm2rpy (const yarp::sig::Matrix &R) |
| Converts a dcm (direction cosine matrix) rotation matrix to roll-pitch-yaw angles (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Matrix | yarp::math::rpy2dcm (const yarp::sig::Vector &rpy) |
| Converts roll-pitch-yaw angles in the corresponding dcm (direction cosine matrix) rotation matrix (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Vector | yarp::math::dcm2ypr (const yarp::sig::Matrix &R) |
| Converts a dcm (direction cosine matrix) rotation matrix to yaw-roll-pitch angles (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Matrix | yarp::math::ypr2dcm (const yarp::sig::Vector &ypr) |
| Converts yaw-pitch-roll angles in the corresponding dcm (direction cosine matrix) rotation matrix (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Matrix | yarp::math::SE3inv (const yarp::sig::Matrix &H) |
| Returns the inverse of a 4 by 4 rototranslational matrix (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Matrix | yarp::math::adjoint (const yarp::sig::Matrix &H) |
| Returns the adjoint matrix of a given roto-translational matrix (defined in Math.h). More...
yarp::sig::Matrix | yarp::math::adjointInv (const yarp::sig::Matrix &H) |
| Returns the inverse of the adjoint matrix of a given roto-translational matrix (defined in Math.h). More...