Yet Another Robot Platform
Multiple Analog Sensor Interfaces

The interfaces present in this group are meant to be implemented by devices that expose sensor that can be efficiently expressed as vector of real numbers, so-called "analog" sensors. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for Multiple Analog Sensor Interfaces:


class  yarp::dev::IThreeAxisGyroscopes
 Device interface to one or multiple three axis gyroscopes. More...
class  yarp::dev::IThreeAxisLinearAccelerometers
 Device interface to one or multiple three axis linear accelerometers. More...
class  yarp::dev::IThreeAxisMagnetometers
 Device interface to one or multiple three axis magnetometers. More...
class  yarp::dev::IPositionSensors
 Device interface to one or multiple position sensors, such as UWB localization sensors. More...
class  yarp::dev::IOrientationSensors
 Device interface to one or multiple orientation sensors, such as IMUs with on board estimation algorithms. More...
class  yarp::dev::ITemperatureSensors
 Device interface to one or multiple temperature sensors. More...
class  yarp::dev::ISixAxisForceTorqueSensors
 Device interface to one or multiple six axis force torque sensor. More...
class  yarp::dev::IContactLoadCellArrays
 Device interface to one or multiple contact load cell arrays. More...
class  yarp::dev::IEncoderArrays
 Device interface to one or multiple arrays of encoders. More...
class  yarp::dev::ISkinPatches
 Device interface to one or more groups (patches) of tactile sensors (skin). More...

Detailed Description

The interfaces present in this group are meant to be implemented by devices that expose sensor that can be efficiently expressed as vector of real numbers, so-called "analog" sensors.

For more information see the documentation of server, client and remapper devices that operate on these interfaces:

yarp::dev::MultipleAnalogSensorsServer yarp::dev::MultipleAnalogSensorsClient yarp::dev::MultipleAnalogSensorsRemapper