Yet Another Robot Platform

These are devices useful for getting images and sound. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for Media Devices:


class  audioFromFileDevice
 audioFromFileDevice : This device driver, wrapped by default by AudioRecorderWrapper, is used to read data from a file and stream it to the network. More...
class  audioToFileDevice
 audioToFileDevice : This device driver, wrapped by default by AudioPlayerWrapper, is used to save to a file an audio stream. More...
class  FakeAnalogSensor
 fakeAnalogSensor: Fake analog sensor device for testing purpose and reference for new analog devices More...
class  FakeFrameGrabber
 fakeFrameGrabber: A fake camera for testing. More...
class  fakeMicrophone
 fakeMicrophone : fake microphone device implementing the IAudioGrabberSound interface to generate a test sound. More...
class  fakeSpeaker
 fakeSpeaker : fake device implementing the IAudioRender device interface to play sound More...
class  FfmpegGrabber
 ffmpeg_grabber: An image frame grabber device using ffmpeg to capture images from AVI files. More...
class  FfmpegWriter
 ffmpeg_writer: Uses ffmpeg to write images/sounds to movie files (AVI, MOV, ...). More...
class  OpenCVGrabber
 opencv_grabber: An image frame grabber device using OpenCV to capture images from cameras and AVI files. More...
class  PortAudioDeviceDriver
 portaudio: Documentation to be added More...
class  PortAudioPlayerDeviceDriver
 portaudioPlayer: Documentation to be added More...
class  PortAudioRecorderDeviceDriver
 portaudioRecorder: A device driver for an audio source wrapped by PortAudio library. More...
class  RGBDSensorFromRosTopic
 RGBDSensorFromRosTopic is a driver for a virtual RGBD device: the data is not originated from a physical sensor but from a ROS topic. More...
class  USBCameraDriver
 usbCamera: YARP device driver implementation for acquiring images from USB cameras. More...
class  USBCameraDriverRaw
 usbCameraRaw: Documentation to be added More...

Detailed Description

These are devices useful for getting images and sound.

They implement interfaces like yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberImage, yarp::dev::IAudioGrabberSound, etc.