Yet Another Robot Platform
RGBDSensorFromRosTopic Class Reference

RGBDSensorFromRosTopic is a driver for a virtual RGBD device: the data is not originated from a physical sensor but from a ROS topic. More...

#include <RGBDSensorFromRosTopic/RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for RGBDSensorFromRosTopic:

Public Member Functions

 RGBDSensorFromRosTopic ()
 ~RGBDSensorFromRosTopic () override=default
bool open (yarp::os::Searchable &config) override
 Open the DeviceDriver. More...
bool close () override
 Close the DeviceDriver. More...
int getRgbHeight () override
 Return the height of each frame. More...
int getRgbWidth () override
 Return the width of each frame. More...
bool getRgbSupportedConfigurations (yarp::sig::VectorOf< yarp::dev::CameraConfig > &configurations) override
 Get the possible configurations of the camera. More...
bool getRgbResolution (int &width, int &height) override
 Get the resolution of the rgb image from the camera. More...
bool setRgbResolution (int width, int height) override
 Set the resolution of the rgb image from the camera. More...
bool getRgbFOV (double &horizontalFov, double &verticalFov) override
 Get the field of view (FOV) of the rgb camera. More...
bool setRgbFOV (double horizontalFov, double verticalFov) override
 Set the field of view (FOV) of the rgb camera. More...
bool getRgbMirroring (bool &mirror) override
 Get the mirroring setting of the sensor. More...
bool setRgbMirroring (bool mirror) override
 Set the mirroring setting of the sensor. More...
bool getRgbIntrinsicParam (Property &intrinsic) override
 Get the intrinsic parameters of the rgb camera. More...
int getDepthHeight () override
 Return the height of each frame. More...
int getDepthWidth () override
 Return the height of each frame. More...
bool setDepthResolution (int width, int height) override
 Set the resolution of the depth image from the camera. More...
bool getDepthFOV (double &horizontalFov, double &verticalFov) override
 Get the field of view (FOV) of the depth camera. More...
bool setDepthFOV (double horizontalFov, double verticalFov) override
 Set the field of view (FOV) of the depth camera. More...
bool getDepthIntrinsicParam (Property &intrinsic) override
 Get the intrinsic parameters of the depth camera. More...
double getDepthAccuracy () override
 Get the minimum detectable variation in distance [meter]. More...
bool setDepthAccuracy (double accuracy) override
 Set the minimum detectable variation in distance [meter] when possible. More...
bool getDepthClipPlanes (double &nearPlane, double &farPlane) override
 Get the clipping planes of the sensor. More...
bool setDepthClipPlanes (double nearPlane, double farPlane) override
 Set the clipping planes of the sensor. More...
bool getDepthMirroring (bool &mirror) override
 Get the mirroring setting of the sensor. More...
bool setDepthMirroring (bool mirror) override
 Set the mirroring setting of the sensor. More...
bool getExtrinsicParam (yarp::sig::Matrix &extrinsic) override
 Get the extrinsic parameters from the device. More...
bool getRgbImage (FlexImage &rgbImage, Stamp *timeStamp=nullptr) override
 Get the rgb frame from the device. More...
bool getDepthImage (depthImage &depthImage, Stamp *timeStamp=nullptr) override
bool getImages (FlexImage &colorFrame, depthImage &depthFrame, Stamp *colorStamp=NULL, Stamp *depthStamp=NULL) override
RGBDSensor_status getSensorStatus () override
 Get the surrent status of the sensor, using enum type. More...
std::string getLastErrorMsg (Stamp *timeStamp=NULL) override
 Return an error message in case of error. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from yarp::dev::DeviceDriver
 ~DeviceDriver () override=default
 Destructor. More...
template<class T >
bool view (T *&x)
 Get an interface to the device driver. More...
virtual DeviceDrivergetImplementation ()
 Some drivers are bureaucrats, pointing at others. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from yarp::os::IConfig
virtual ~IConfig ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual bool configure (Searchable &config)
 Change online parameters. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor
virtual ~IRGBDSensor ()
virtual bool getDepthImage (yarp::sig::ImageOf< yarp::sig::PixelFloat > &depthImage, yarp::os::Stamp *timeStamp=NULL)=0
 Get the depth frame from the device. More...
virtual bool getImages (yarp::sig::FlexImage &colorFrame, yarp::sig::ImageOf< yarp::sig::PixelFloat > &depthFrame, yarp::os::Stamp *colorStamp=NULL, yarp::os::Stamp *depthStamp=NULL)=0
 Get the both the color and depth frame in a single call. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from yarp::dev::IRgbVisualParams
virtual ~IRgbVisualParams ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from yarp::dev::IDepthVisualParams
virtual ~IDepthVisualParams ()

Public Attributes

std::mutex m_mutex
yarp::os::Nodem_ros_node = nullptr
yarp::dev::RGBDRosConversionUtils::commonImageProcessorm_rgb_input_processor = nullptr
yarp::dev::RGBDRosConversionUtils::commonImageProcessorm_depth_input_processor = nullptr
std::string m_rgb_data_topic_name
std::string m_depth_data_topic_name
std::string m_rgb_info_topic_name
std::string m_depth_info_topic_name
yarp::os::Stamp m_rgb_stamp
yarp::os::Stamp m_depth_stamp
std::string m_lastError
bool m_verbose
bool m_initialized

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor
enum  RGBDSensor_status {

Detailed Description

RGBDSensorFromRosTopic is a driver for a virtual RGBD device: the data is not originated from a physical sensor but from a ROS topic.

This device driver exposes the IRGBDSensor interface to read the images published by a ROS node. See the documentation for more details about each interface.

This device can be used in two different ways:

  • as a client, directly opened by your application
  • as a device, wrapped by a RGBDSensorWrapper

When used as a client, the RGBDSensorFromRosTopic device directly connects to the ROS publisher via tcp_ros carrier. This mode does not use a RGBDSensorWrapper and thus minimize latency. It is thus recommended when the application consists of a single client. However, if multiple clients are involved, as shown in the diagram below, this architecture might be inefficient, due to the multiple tcp_ros connections.


The second mode, instead, is useful if the application consists of several modules, and each of them employ a client connected to the same server (RGBDSensorWrapper). In this case, if all the modules run on the same machine, the unix_stream can be employed to share data between them, minimizing data transfer operations and greatly boosting the performance. See the digram below.

YARP device name

Parameters used by this device are:

Parameter name SubParameter Type Units Default Value Required Description Notes
verbose - bool - false No Flag for enabling debug prints
rgb_data_topic - string - /camera/color/image_raw No The device connects to this ROS topic to get RGB data
depth_data_topic - string - /camera/depth/image_rect_raw No The device connects to this ROS topic to get Depth dat
rgb_info_topic - string - /camera/color/camera_info No The device connects to this ROS topic to get RGB info/parameters
depth_info_topic - string - /camera/depth/camera_info No The device connects to this ROS topic to get Depth info/parameters

Example of configuration file (using .ini format) when the device is wrapped by RGBDSensorWrapper.

device RGBDSensorWrapper
subdevice RGBDSensorFromRosTopic
period 30
name /ROSsensor

Definition at line 192 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ RGBDSensorFromRosTopic()

RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::RGBDSensorFromRosTopic ( )

Definition at line 30 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.cpp.

◆ ~RGBDSensorFromRosTopic()

RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::~RGBDSensorFromRosTopic ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ close()

bool RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::close ( )

Close the DeviceDriver.

true/false on success/failure.

Reimplemented from yarp::dev::DeviceDriver.

Definition at line 59 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.cpp.

◆ getDepthAccuracy()

double RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::getDepthAccuracy ( )

Get the minimum detectable variation in distance [meter].

the sensor resolution in meters.

Implements yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 213 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.cpp.

◆ getDepthClipPlanes()

bool RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::getDepthClipPlanes ( double &  nearPlane,
double &  farPlane 

Get the clipping planes of the sensor.

nearPlaneminimum distance at which the sensor start measuring. Object closer than this distance will not be detected.
farPlanemaximum distance beyond which the sensor stop measuring. Object farther than this distance will not be detected.
true if success

Implements yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 219 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.cpp.

◆ getDepthFOV()

bool RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::getDepthFOV ( double &  horizontalFov,
double &  verticalFov 

Get the field of view (FOV) of the depth camera.

horizontalFovwill return the value of the horizontal fov in degrees
verticalFovwill return the value of the vertical fov in degrees
true if success

Implements yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 192 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.cpp.

◆ getDepthHeight()

int RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::getDepthHeight ( )

Return the height of each frame.

depth image height

Implements yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 174 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.cpp.

◆ getDepthImage()

bool RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::getDepthImage ( depthImage depthImage,
Stamp timeStamp = nullptr 

Definition at line 258 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.cpp.

◆ getDepthIntrinsicParam()

bool RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::getDepthIntrinsicParam ( Property intrinsic)

Get the intrinsic parameters of the depth camera.

intrinsicreturn a Property containing intrinsic parameters of the optical model of the camera.
true if success

The yarp::os::Property describing the intrinsic parameters is expected to be in the form:

Parameter name SubParameter Type Units Default Value Required Description Notes
physFocalLength - double m - Yes Physical focal length of the lens in meters
focalLengthX - double pixel - Yes Horizontal component of the focal length as a multiple of pixel width
focalLengthY - double pixel - Yes Vertical component of the focal length as a multiple of pixel height
principalPointX - double pixel - Yes X coordinate of the principal point
principalPointY - double pixel - Yes Y coordinate of the principal point
retificationMatrix - 4x4 double matrix - - Yes Matrix that describes the lens' distortion
distortionModel - string - - Yes Reference to group of parameters describing the distortion model of the camera, example 'cameraDistortionModelGroup' This is another group's name to be searched for in the config file
name string - - Yes Name of the distortion model, see notes right now only 'plumb_bob' is supported
k1 double - - Yes Radial distortion coefficient of the lens
k2 double - - Yes Radial distortion coefficient of the lens
k3 double - - Yes Radial distortion coefficient of the lens
t1 double - - Yes Tangential distortion of the lens
t2 double - - Yes Tangential distortion of the lens

Implements yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 203 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.cpp.

◆ getDepthMirroring()

bool RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::getDepthMirroring ( bool &  mirror)

Get the mirroring setting of the sensor.

mirrortrue if image is mirrored, false otherwise
true if success

Implements yarp::dev::IDepthVisualParams.

Definition at line 231 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.cpp.

◆ getDepthWidth()

int RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::getDepthWidth ( )

Return the height of each frame.

depth image height

Implements yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 183 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.cpp.

◆ getExtrinsicParam()

bool RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::getExtrinsicParam ( yarp::sig::Matrix extrinsic)

Get the extrinsic parameters from the device.

extrinsicreturn a rototranslation matrix describing the position of the depth optical frame with respect to the rgb frame
true if success

Implements yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 243 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.cpp.

◆ getImages()

bool RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::getImages ( FlexImage colorFrame,
depthImage depthFrame,
Stamp colorStamp = NULL,
Stamp depthStamp = NULL 

Definition at line 267 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.cpp.

◆ getLastErrorMsg()

std::string RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::getLastErrorMsg ( Stamp timeStamp = NULL)

Return an error message in case of error.

For debugging purpose and user notification. Error message will be reset after any successful command

A string explaining the last error occurred.

Implements yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 284 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.cpp.

◆ getRgbFOV()

bool RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::getRgbFOV ( double &  horizontalFov,
double &  verticalFov 

Get the field of view (FOV) of the rgb camera.

horizontalFovwill return the value of the horizontal fov in degrees
verticalFovwill return the value of the vertical fov in degrees
true on success

Implements yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 141 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.cpp.

◆ getRgbHeight()

int RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::getRgbHeight ( )

Return the height of each frame.

rgb image height

Implements yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 79 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.cpp.

◆ getRgbImage()

bool RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::getRgbImage ( FlexImage rgbImage,
Stamp timeStamp = nullptr 

Get the rgb frame from the device.

The pixel type of the source image will usually be set as a VOCAB_PIXEL_RGB, but the user can call the function with the pixel type of his/her choice. The conversion if possible, will be done automatically on client side (TO BO VERIFIED). Note: this will consume CPU power because it will not use GPU optimization. Use VOCAB_PIXEL_RGB for best performances.

rgbImagethe image to be filled.
timeStamptime in which the image was acquired. Optional, ignored if nullptr.
True on success

Implements yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 249 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.cpp.

◆ getRgbIntrinsicParam()

bool RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::getRgbIntrinsicParam ( Property intrinsic)

Get the intrinsic parameters of the rgb camera.

intrinsicreturn a Property containing intrinsic parameters of the optical model of the camera.
true if success

The yarp::os::Property describing the intrinsic parameters is expected to be in the form:

Parameter name SubParameter Type Units Default Value Required Description Notes
physFocalLength - double m - Yes Physical focal length of the lens in meters
focalLengthX - double pixel - Yes Horizontal component of the focal length as a multiple of pixel width
focalLengthY - double pixel - Yes Vertical component of the focal length as a multiple of pixel height
principalPointX - double pixel - Yes X coordinate of the principal point
principalPointY - double pixel - Yes Y coordinate of the principal point
retificationMatrix - 4x4 double matrix - - Yes Matrix that describes the lens' distortion
distortionModel - string - - Yes Reference to group of parameters describing the distortion model of the camera, example 'cameraDistortionModelGroup' This is another group's name to be searched for in the config file
name string - - Yes Name of the distortion model, see notes right now only 'plumb_bob' is supported
k1 double - - Yes Radial distortion coefficient of the lens
k2 double - - Yes Radial distortion coefficient of the lens
k3 double - - Yes Radial distortion coefficient of the lens
t1 double - - Yes Tangential distortion of the lens
t2 double - - Yes Tangential distortion of the lens

Implements yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 164 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.cpp.

◆ getRgbMirroring()

bool RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::getRgbMirroring ( bool &  mirror)

Get the mirroring setting of the sensor.

mirrortrue if image is mirrored, false otherwise
true if success

Implements yarp::dev::IRgbVisualParams.

Definition at line 152 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.cpp.

◆ getRgbResolution()

bool RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::getRgbResolution ( int &  width,
int &  height 

Get the resolution of the rgb image from the camera.

widthimage width
heightimage height
true on success

Reimplemented from yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 97 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.cpp.

◆ getRgbSupportedConfigurations()

bool RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::getRgbSupportedConfigurations ( yarp::sig::VectorOf< yarp::dev::CameraConfig > &  configurations)

Get the possible configurations of the camera.

configurationslist of camera supported configurations as CameraConfig type
true on success

Reimplemented from yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 91 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.cpp.

◆ getRgbWidth()

int RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::getRgbWidth ( )

Return the width of each frame.

rgb image width

Implements yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 85 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.cpp.

◆ getSensorStatus()

RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::RGBDSensor_status RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::getSensorStatus ( )

Get the surrent status of the sensor, using enum type.

an enum representing the status of the robot or an error code if any error is present

Implements yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 279 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.cpp.

◆ open()

bool RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::open ( yarp::os::Searchable config)

Open the DeviceDriver.

configis a list of parameters for the device. Which parameters are effective for your device can vary. See device invocation examples. If there is no example for your device, you can run the "yarpdev" program with the verbose flag set to probe what parameters the device is checking. If that fails too, you'll need to read the source code (please nag one of the yarp developers to add documentation for your device).
true/false upon success/failure



Reimplemented from yarp::dev::DeviceDriver.

Definition at line 35 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.cpp.

◆ setDepthAccuracy()

bool RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::setDepthAccuracy ( double  accuracy)

Set the minimum detectable variation in distance [meter] when possible.

thedesired resolution in meters.
true on success

Implements yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 135 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.cpp.

◆ setDepthClipPlanes()

bool RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::setDepthClipPlanes ( double  nearPlane,
double  farPlane 

Set the clipping planes of the sensor.

nearPlaneminimum distance at which the sensor start measuring. Object closer than this distance will not be detected.
farPlanemaximum distance beyond which the sensor stop measuring. Object farther than this distance will not be detected.
true if success

Implements yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 225 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.cpp.

◆ setDepthFOV()

bool RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::setDepthFOV ( double  horizontalFov,
double  verticalFov 

Set the field of view (FOV) of the depth camera.

horizontalFovwill set the value of the horizontal fov in degrees
verticalFovwill set the value of the vertical fov in degrees
true on success

Implements yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 129 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.cpp.

◆ setDepthMirroring()

bool RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::setDepthMirroring ( bool  mirror)

Set the mirroring setting of the sensor.

mirrortrue if image should be mirrored, false otherwise
true if success

Implements yarp::dev::IDepthVisualParams.

Definition at line 237 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.cpp.

◆ setDepthResolution()

bool RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::setDepthResolution ( int  width,
int  height 

Set the resolution of the depth image from the camera.

widthimage width
heightimage height
true on success

Implements yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 110 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.cpp.

◆ setRgbFOV()

bool RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::setRgbFOV ( double  horizontalFov,
double  verticalFov 

Set the field of view (FOV) of the rgb camera.

horizontalFovwill set the value of the horizontal fov in degrees
verticalFovwill set the value of the vertical fov in degrees
true on success

Implements yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 123 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.cpp.

◆ setRgbMirroring()

bool RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::setRgbMirroring ( bool  mirror)

Set the mirroring setting of the sensor.

mirrortrue if image should be mirrored, false otherwise
true if success

Implements yarp::dev::IRgbVisualParams.

Definition at line 158 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.cpp.

◆ setRgbResolution()

bool RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::setRgbResolution ( int  width,
int  height 

Set the resolution of the rgb image from the camera.

widthimage width
heightimage height
true on success

Implements yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 116 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_depth_data_topic_name

std::string RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::m_depth_data_topic_name

Definition at line 267 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.h.

◆ m_depth_info_topic_name

std::string RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::m_depth_info_topic_name

Definition at line 269 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.h.

◆ m_depth_input_processor

yarp::dev::RGBDRosConversionUtils::commonImageProcessor* RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::m_depth_input_processor = nullptr

Definition at line 265 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.h.

◆ m_depth_stamp

yarp::os::Stamp RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::m_depth_stamp

Definition at line 272 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.h.

◆ m_initialized

bool RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::m_initialized

Definition at line 275 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.h.

◆ m_lastError

std::string RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::m_lastError

Definition at line 273 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.h.

◆ m_mutex

std::mutex RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::m_mutex

Definition at line 262 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.h.

◆ m_rgb_data_topic_name

std::string RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::m_rgb_data_topic_name

Definition at line 266 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.h.

◆ m_rgb_info_topic_name

std::string RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::m_rgb_info_topic_name

Definition at line 268 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.h.

◆ m_rgb_input_processor

yarp::dev::RGBDRosConversionUtils::commonImageProcessor* RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::m_rgb_input_processor = nullptr

Definition at line 264 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.h.

◆ m_rgb_stamp

yarp::os::Stamp RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::m_rgb_stamp

Definition at line 271 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.h.

◆ m_ros_node

yarp::os::Node* RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::m_ros_node = nullptr

Definition at line 263 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.h.

◆ m_verbose

bool RGBDSensorFromRosTopic::m_verbose

Definition at line 274 of file RGBDSensorFromRosTopic.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: