Yet Another Robot Platform
Logging with YARP

YARP has an internal mechanism to help you debug your distributed application.

While you can simply use printf or std::cout methods to debug your application locally, if you use the functionalities offered, YARP will collect and show several additional information, including system and network time, file, line, thread id, etc., and eventually forward them to yarplogger.

YARP is also able to detect if it is running on a console or inside yarprun and if the application output is forwarded to yarplogger (using the --log option), and change its output accordingly, so that the extra information is forwarded properly.

Log Levels

YARP defines 6 levels for log.

Level Value Stream Notes
[TRACE] 1 stdout Generates no binary code in release mode.
[DEBUG] 2 stdout Generates no binary code if YARP_NO_DEBUG_OUTPUT is defined.
[INFO] 3 stdout
[WARNING] 4 stderr
[ERROR] 5 stderr
[FATAL] 6 stderr Aborts the execution and prints a backtrace.

For each these levels, YARP offers logging functions.

Generic Macros

YARP offers some generic macros that do not require any configuration, and will use the default logging settings.

Level C-Style Stream
[TRACE] yTrace(const char* msg, ...) yTrace()
[DEBUG] yDebug(const char* msg, ...) yDebug()
[INFO] yInfo(const char* msg, ...) yInfo()
[WARNING] yWarning(const char* msg, ...) yWarning()
[ERROR] yError(const char* msg, ...) yError()
[FATAL] yFatal(const char* msg, ...) yFatal()

C-Style macros

The yDebug(const char* msg, ...) macro family is defined in the <yarp/os/Log.h> header.

These macros work in a similar way to the C printf() function. For example:

int g = 42;
yDebug("The value of g is %d", g);

will print

[DEBUG] The value of g is 42

Note that the string does not end with \n, since YARP will automatically add it.

Stream Macros

In order to use the yDebug() macro family, you need to include the <yarp/os/LogStream.h> header.

These macros work in a similar way to C++ std::cout. For example:

int g = 42;
yDebug() << "The value of g is" << g;

will print

[DEBUG] The value of g is 42

Note that there is no need to add a whitespace between the fields since these are added automatically. Also YARP will automatically add a \n at the end of the stream.


The output of YARP applications tends to be very messy, especially when using multiple threads, or several devices at the same time.

Therefore YARP allows to define Log Components that can be used to filter the output and follow the execution flow.

Level Component C-Style Component Stream
[TRACE] yCTrace(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, const char* msg, ...) yCTrace(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp)
[DEBUG] yCDebug(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, const char* msg, ...) yCDebug(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp)
[INFO] yCInfo(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, const char* msg, ...) yCInfo(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp)
[WARNING] yCWarning(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, const char* msg, ...) yCWarning(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp)
[ERROR] yCError(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, const char* msg, ...) yCError(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp)
[FATAL] yCFatal(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, const char* msg, ...) yCFatal(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp)

Defining a Logging Component

In order to define a log component, the YARP_LOG_COMPONENT macro (defined in <yarp/os/LogComponent.h>) should be used in a .cpp file. For example:


will define a logging component FOO that will be printed as foo.bar. In order to use the component in that file, there is no need to do anything else. If you need to use it in more than one file, you need to forward declare it somewhere else (e.g. in a .h file):

C-Style Macros

The yCDebug(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, const char* msg, ...) macro family is defined in the <yarp/os/LogComponent.h> header.

These macros work in a similar way to the C printf() function. For example (assuming that the FOO component is defined as shown before):

int g = 42;
yCDebug(FOO, "The value of g is %d", g);

will print

[DEBUG] |foo.bar| The value of g is 42

Like for the yDebug family, there is no need to add \n at the end of the string.

Stream Macros

In order to use the yCDebug(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp) macro family, you need to include the <yarp/os/LogStream.h> header.

These macros work in a similar way to C++ std::cout. For example (assuming that the FOO component is defined as shown before):

int g = 42;
yCDebug(FOO) << "The value of g is" << g;

will print

[DEBUG] |foo.bar| The value of g is 42

Like for the yDebug family, there is no need to add a whitespace between the fields, nor \n at the end of the stream.

External timestamp

Users have the possibility of logging information using an external source which provides a timestamp, by including the timestamp in the macro. These macros expand on the previous macros by including a external time term.

Level C-Style Stream
[TRACE] yTraceExternalTime(double externaltime, const char* msg, ...) yTraceExternalTime(double externaltime)
[DEBUG] yDebugExternalTime(double externaltime, const char* msg, ...) yDebugExternalTime(double externaltime)
[INFO] yInfoExternalTime(double externaltime, const char* msg, ...) yInfoExternalTime(double externaltime)
[WARNING] yWarningExternalTime(double externaltime, const char* msg, ...) yWarningExternalTime(double externaltime)
[ERROR] yErrorExternalTime(double externaltime, const char* msg, ...) yErrorExternalTime(double externaltime)
[FATAL] yFatalExternalTime(double externaltime, const char* msg, ...) yFatalExternalTime(double externaltime)
Level Component C-Style Component Stream
[TRACE] yCTraceExternalTime(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, const char* msg, ...) yCTraceExternalTime(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp)
[DEBUG] yCDebugExternalTime(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, const char* msg, ...) yCDebugExternalTime(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp)
[INFO] yCInfoExternalTime(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, const char* msg, ...) yCInfoExternalTime(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp)
[WARNING] yCWarningExternalTime(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, const char* msg, ...) yCWarningExternalTime(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp)
[ERROR] yCErrorExternalTime(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, const char* msg, ...) yCErrorExternalTime(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp)
[FATAL] yCFatalExternalTime(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, const char* msg, ...) yCFatalExternalTime(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp)

Limited Macros

Sometimes some logging line should be printed only once, or only at most once in a certain amount of time. YARP has several utilities to achieve this.

yDebugOnce() Family

These log lines are printed only once in the execution of the program.

Level C-Style Stream
[TRACE] yTraceOnce(const char* msg, ...) yTraceOnce()
[DEBUG] yDebugOnce(const char* msg, ...) yDebugOnce()
[INFO] yInfoOnce(const char* msg, ...) yInfoOnce()
[WARNING] yWarningOnce(const char* msg, ...) yWarningOnce()
[ERROR] yErrorOnce(const char* msg, ...) yErrorOnce()
Level Component C-Style Component Stream
[TRACE] yCTraceOnce(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, const char* msg, ...) yCTraceOnce(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp)
[DEBUG] yCDebugOnce(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, const char* msg, ...) yCDebugOnce(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp)
[INFO] yCInfoOnce(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, const char* msg, ...) yCInfoOnce(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp)
[WARNING] yCWarningOnce(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, const char* msg, ...) yCWarningOnce(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp)
[ERROR] yCErrorOnce(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, const char* msg, ...) yCErrorOnce(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp)
Level C-Style w/ External time Stream w/ External time
[TRACE] yTraceExternalTimeOnce(double externaltime, const char* msg, ...) yTraceExternalTimeOnce(double externaltime)
[DEBUG] yDebugExternalTimeOnce(double externaltime, const char* msg, ...) yDebugExternalTimeOnce(double externaltime)
[INFO] yInfoExternalTimeOnce(double externaltime, const char* msg, ...) yInfoExternalTimeOnce(double externaltime)
[WARNING] yWarningExternalTimeOnce(double externaltime, const char* msg, ...) yWarningExternalTimeOnce(double externaltime)
[ERROR] yErrorExternalTimeOnce(double externaltime, const char* msg, ...) yErrorExternalTimeOnce(double externaltime)
Level Component C-Style w/ External time Component Stream w/ External time
[TRACE] yCTraceExternalTimeOnce(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, const char* msg, ...) yCTraceExternalTimeOnce(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp)
[DEBUG] yCDebugExternalTimeOnce(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, const char* msg, ...) yCDebugExternalTimeOnce(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp)
[INFO] yCInfoExternalTimeOnce(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, const char* msg, ...) yCInfoExternalTimeOnce(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp)
[WARNING] yCWarningExternalTimeOnce(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, const char* msg, ...) yCWarningExternalTimeOnce(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp)
[ERROR] yCErrorExternalTimeOnce(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, const char* msg, ...) yCErrorExternalTimeOnce(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp)

yDebugThreadOnce() Family

These log lines are printed at most once by every thread during the execution of the program.

Level C-Style Stream
[TRACE] yTraceThreadOnce(const char* msg, ...) yTraceThreadOnce()
[DEBUG] yDebugThreadOnce(const char* msg, ...) yDebugThreadOnce()
[INFO] yInfoThreadOnce(const char* msg, ...) yInfoThreadOnce()
[WARNING] yWarningThreadOnce(const char* msg, ...) yWarningThreadOnce()
[ERROR] yErrorThreadOnce(const char* msg, ...) yErrorThreadOnce()
Level Component C-Style Component Stream
[TRACE] yCTraceThreadOnce(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, const char* msg, ...) yCTraceThreadOnce(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp)
[DEBUG] yCDebugThreadOnce(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, const char* msg, ...) yCDebugThreadOnce(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp)
[INFO] yCInfoThreadOnce(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, const char* msg, ...) yCInfoThreadOnce(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp)
[WARNING] yCWarningThreadOnce(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, const char* msg, ...) yCWarningThreadOnce(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp)
[ERROR] yCErrorThreadOnce(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, const char* msg, ...) yCErrorThreadOnce(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp)
Level C-Style w/ External time Stream w/ External time
[TRACE] yTraceExternalTimeThreadOnce(double externaltime, const char* msg, ...) yTraceExternalTimeThreadOnce(double externaltime)
[DEBUG] yDebugExternalTimeThreadOnce(double externaltime, const char* msg, ...) yDebugExternalTimeThreadOnce(double externaltime)
[INFO] yInfoExternalTimeThreadOnce(double externaltime, const char* msg, ...) yInfoExternalTimeThreadOnce(double externaltime)
[WARNING] yWarningExternalTimeThreadOnce(double externaltime, const char* msg, ...) yWarningExternalTimeThreadOnce(double externaltime)
[ERROR] yErrorExternalTimeThreadOnce(double externaltime, const char* msg, ...) yErrorExternalTimeThreadOnce(double externaltime)
Level Component C-Style w/ External time Component Stream w/ External time
[TRACE] yCTraceExternalTimeThreadOnce(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, const char* msg, ...) yCTraceExternalTimeThreadOnce(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp)
[DEBUG] yCDebugExternalTimeThreadOnce(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, const char* msg, ...) yCDebugExternalTimeThreadOnce(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp)
[INFO] yCInfoExternalTimeThreadOnce(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, const char* msg, ...) yCInfoExternalTimeThreadOnce(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp)
[WARNING] yCWarningExternalTimeThreadOnce(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, const char* msg, ...) yCWarningExternalTimeThreadOnce(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp)
[ERROR] yCErrorExternalTimeThreadOnce(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, const char* msg, ...) yCErrorExternalTimeThreadOnce(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp)

yDebugThrottle() Family

These log lines are printed at most once every period seconds.

Level C-Style Stream
[TRACE] yTraceThrottle(double period, const char* msg, ...) yTraceThrottle(double period)
[DEBUG] yDebugThrottle(double period, const char* msg, ...) yDebugThrottle(double period)
[INFO] yInfoThrottle(double period, const char* msg, ...) yInfoThrottle(double period)
[WARNING] yWarningThrottle(double period, const char* msg, ...) yWarningThrottle(double period)
[ERROR] yErrorThrottle(double period, const char* msg, ...) yErrorThrottle(double period)
Level Component C-Style Component Stream
[TRACE] yCTraceThrottle(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, double period, const char* msg, ...) yCTraceThrottle(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, double period)
[DEBUG] yCDebugThrottle(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, double period, const char* msg, ...) yCDebugThrottle(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, double period)
[INFO] yCInfoThrottle(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, double period, const char* msg, ...) yCInfoThrottle(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, double period)
[WARNING] yCWarningThrottle(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, double period, const char* msg, ...) yCWarningThrottle(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, double period)
[ERROR] yCErrorThrottle(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, double period, const char* msg, ...) yCErrorThrottle(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, double period)
Level C-Style w/ External time Stream w/ External time
[TRACE] yTraceExternalTimeThrottle(double externaltime, double period, const char* msg, ...) yTraceExternalTimeThrottle(double externaltime, double period)
[DEBUG] yDebugExternalTimeThrottle(double externaltime, double period, const char* msg, ...) yDebugExternalTimeThrottle(double externaltime, double period)
[INFO] yInfoExternalTimeThrottle(double externaltime, double period, const char* msg, ...) yInfoExternalTimeThrottle(double externaltime, double period)
[WARNING] yWarningExternalTimeThrottle(double externaltime, double period, const char* msg, ...) yWarningExternalTimeThrottle(double externaltime, double period)
[ERROR] yErrorExternalTimeThrottle(double externaltime, double period, const char* msg, ...) yErrorExternalTimeThrottle(double externaltime, double period)
Level Component C-Style w/ External time Component Stream w/ External time
[TRACE] yCTraceExternalTimeThrottle(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, double period, const char* msg, ...) yCTraceExternalTimeThrottle(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, double period)
[DEBUG] yCDebugExternalTimeThrottle(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, double period, const char* msg, ...) yCDebugExternalTimeThrottle(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, double period)
[INFO] yCInfoExternalTimeThrottle(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, double period, const char* msg, ...) yCInfoExternalTimeThrottle(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, double period)
[WARNING] yCWarningExternalTimeThrottle(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, double period, const char* msg, ...) yCWarningExternalTimeThrottle(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, double period)
[ERROR] yCErrorExternalTimeThrottle(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, double period, const char* msg, ...) yCErrorExternalTimeThrottle(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, double period)

yDebugThreadThrottle() Family

These log lines are printed at most once by every thread every period seconds.

Level C-Style Stream
[TRACE] yTraceThreadThrottle(double period, const char* msg, ...) yTraceThreadThrottle(double period)
[DEBUG] yDebugThreadThrottle(double period, const char* msg, ...) yDebugThreadThrottle(double period)
[INFO] yInfoThreadThrottle(double period, const char* msg, ...) yInfoThreadThrottle(double period)
[WARNING] yWarningThreadThrottle(double period, const char* msg, ...) yWarningThreadThrottle(double period)
[ERROR] yErrorThreadThrottle(double period, const char* msg, ...) yErrorThreadThrottle(double period)
Level Component C-Style Component Stream
[TRACE] yCTraceThreadThrottle(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, double period, const char* msg, ...) yCTraceThreadThrottle(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, double period)
[DEBUG] yCDebugThreadThrottle(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, double period, const char* msg, ...) yCDebugThreadThrottle(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, double period)
[INFO] yCInfoThreadThrottle(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, double period, const char* msg, ...) yCInfoThreadThrottle(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, double period)
[WARNING] yCWarningThreadThrottle(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, double period, const char* msg, ...) yCWarningThreadThrottle(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, double period)
[ERROR] yCErrorThreadThrottle(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, double period, const char* msg, ...) yCErrorThreadThrottle(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, double period)
Level C-Style Stream
[TRACE] yTraceExternalTimeThreadThrottle(double externaltime, double period, const char* msg, ...) yTraceExternalTimeThreadThrottle(double externaltime, double period)
[DEBUG] yDebugExternalTimeThreadThrottle(double externaltime, double period, const char* msg, ...) yDebugExternalTimeThreadThrottle(double externaltime, double period)
[INFO] yInfoExternalTimeThreadThrottle(double externaltime, double period, const char* msg, ...) yInfoExternalTimeThreadThrottle(double externaltime, double period)
[WARNING] yWarningExternalTimeThreadThrottle(double externaltime, double period, const char* msg, ...) yWarningExternalTimeThreadThrottle(double externaltime, double period)
[ERROR] yErrorExternalTimeThreadThrottle(double externaltime, double period, const char* msg, ...) yErrorExternalTimeThreadThrottle(double externaltime, double period)
Level Component C-Style Component Stream
[TRACE] yCTraceExternalTimeThreadThrottle(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, double period, const char* msg, ...) yCTraceExternalTimeThreadThrottle(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, double period)
[DEBUG] yCDebugExternalTimeThreadThrottle(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, double period, const char* msg, ...) yCDebugExternalTimeThreadThrottle(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, double period)
[INFO] yCInfoExternalTimeThreadThrottle(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, double period, const char* msg, ...) yCInfoExternalTimeThreadThrottle(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, double period)
[WARNING] yCWarningExternalTimeThreadThrottle(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, double period, const char* msg, ...) yCWarningExternalTimeThreadThrottle(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, double period)
[ERROR] yCErrorExternalTimeThreadThrottle(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, double period, const char* msg, ...) yCErrorExternalTimeThreadThrottle(double externaltime, const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, double period)


YARP offers some macros that can help programmers find bugs in their programs, and stop the execution of the program when some unexpected situation happens.

The macros

Assert Component Assert
yAssert(condition) yCAssert(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, condition)
Assert w/ External time Component Assert
yAssertExternalTime(condition) yCAssertExternalTime(const yarp::os::Logcomponent& comp, condition)

will check the value of the condition, and throw a fatal error, if the assertion is not true.

When the code is compiled in release mode, these assertions will just disappear from the compiled code.


The log behaviour can be configured using build flags, environment variables, and configuration files.

Build flags

When building a project, a few build options can change the behavior of the logging system.

When building in "Release mode" (i.e. NDEBUG is defined, and the optimizations are enabled), the [TRACE] level does not produce any binary code. The [DEBUG] level behaves in the same way when YARP_NO_DEBUG_OUTPUT is defined.

This happens only for the projects that are built with these options. If you are building in "Release mode", but you are linking a library that was built in "Debug mode", your program will still execute some code for each trace line in the library.

As already mentioned, the NDEBUG option also controls whether the yAsserts are enabled or not.

Environment variables

The default behaviour for the logger can be configured using specific environment variables.

YARP_COLORED_OUTPUT can be set to 1 to enable colors in the console output (if supported).

If colors are enabled, YARP_COMPACT_OUTPUT can be used to print a single colored character instead of the log level.

If YARP_VERBOSE_OUTPUT is set to 1, YARP will print several extra information for each log line.

YARP_FORWARD_LOG_ENABLE can be used to enable the forwarding of the log to yarplogger.

By default, YARP prints all log from [DEBUG] to [FATAL]. If [DEBUG] is not required, it is possible to disable it by setting the YARP_DEBUG_ENABLE environment variable to 0. It is also possible to enable the [TRACE] level by setting YARP_TRACE_ENABLE to 1.

For yarp::os internal logging, the default minimum level is [INFO]. It is possible to change this by using YARP_QUIET to change the minimum level to [WARNING], and YARP_VERBOSE to change it to [DEBUG].

Finally, YARP_DEBUG_LOG_ENABLE can be enabled to debug the output of the logger internal component, in case you want to debug the output of your application.

Configuration File

FIXME TODO (configuring the log using configuration files is not enabled yet)


Forwarding output

By default, the logging callback prints the output on the stdout/stderr. When a YARP program is started by yarprun --log, this will forward the output on a YARP port that can be read by yarplogger, and displayed.

This behaviour can be obtained also without yarprun, by setting the YARP_FORWARD_LOG_ENABLE environment variable to 1. Please note that, while yarprun is able to forward all the output of the application (including printf and std::out output), this method will forward only the output using YARP log utilities.

At the moment, not all the information gathered is forwarded. It is possible to enable them by using the following environment variables:


Please note that yarp::os internal logging is never forwarded, since this could cause recursions that will crash the program.

Custom Logging functions

The default print callback is smart and can detect when it is running inside yarprun, and if this is forwarding the output. It is also possible to change the output format.

If you don't like the behaviour, or need to change it for some specific application, it is possible to change the callback with a custom one using the yarp::os::Log::setPrintCallback() method. It's also possible to disable output completely by setting it to nullptr.

If log forwarding is enabled, it is also possible to change the forwarding callback with a custom one, using the yarp::os::Log::setForwardCallback() method. This allows, for example, to log everything to a different system.

Inside both the print callback and the forward callback, it is possible to call YARP default callbacks by calling yarp::os::Log::defaultPrintCallback()(...) and yarp::os::Log::defaultForwardCallback()(...).

Log Components

It's possible to change the default behaviour for each specific Log Component by adding some optional parameter to the YARP_LOG_COMPONENT macro. The full syntax is:

minimumPrintLevel = yarp::os::Log::minimumPrintLevel(),
minimumForwardLevel = yarp::os::Log::minimumForwardLevel(),
printCallback = yarp::os::Log::printCallback(),
forwardCallback = yarp::os::Log::forwardCallback())

By changing minimumPrintLevel it's possible to decide the minimum level that is printed using the printCallback.

By changing minimumForwardLevel it's possible to decide the minimum level that is forwarded using the forwardCallback.

By changing the printCallback, the output printed on the command line for this component can be customized as needed. If this is set to nullptr, the log component will not be printed.

By changing the forwardCallback, it is possible to change the callback that will handle forwarding. If this is set to nullptr, the log component will not be forwarded.

Providing Support for the yDebug() Stream Operator

In order to provide support for yarp logging to your classes, you need to overload the stream operator (operator<<).

This means that you have to declare the operator<< function taking LogStream and your class as parameters, somewhere outside your class:

// stream << ...
return stream;

In order to access your private class members inside this function you also have to declare this function as friend inside your class declaration:

class MyClass
// ...
friend yarp::os::LogStream operator<<(yarp::os::LogStream stream, const MyClass& c);

Then you can just log your class in this way:

MyClass c
yDebug() << c;

This is a full example that shows how to overload and use the stream operator for a custom class.

#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
class Date
int yr;
int mo;
int da;
Date(int y, int m, int d) : yr(y), mo(m), da(d) {}
friend yarp::os::LogStream operator<<(yarp::os::LogStream stream, const Date& dt);
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << std::setw(4) << dt.yr << '/' << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << dt.mo << '/' << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << dt.da;
stream << oss.str();
return stream;
int main()
Date today(2020, 06, 17);
Date tomorrow(2020, 06, 18);
yDebug() << today << tomorrow;
return 0;

System Clock, Network Clock, Custom Clock and External Time

YARP offers several methods to use the time from an external source, and therefore it is important to clarify the differences.

The first time that is recorded by the YARP logging system is the system time. This is the time of the system where YARP is running.

The second time that is recorded by the YARP logging system is the network time. This is the time of the YARP network, and depends on the clock that is set when the network is initialized. There are currently 4 possible way to initialize the network clock (see also yarp::os::yarpClockType and yarp::os::NetworkBase::yarpClockInit):

  • Using the default clock (YARP_CLOCK_DEFAULT). If the YARP_CLOCK environment variable is set to a valid YARP port name, then data coming from this port will be used as clock, otherwise the system clock is used.
  • Using the system clock (YARP_CLOCK_SYSTEM). The system clock is used everywhere.
  • Using a network clock (YARP_CLOCK_NETWORK). A valid YARP port name must be specified when initializing the network, and data coming from this port will be used as clock.
  • Using a custom clock (YARP_CLOCK_CUSTOM). A class inheriting from yarp::os::Clock must be specified when initializing the network, and this class will be used as clock. Depending on the clock set when initializing the YARP network, the yarp::os::Time::now() andyarp::os::Time::delay() functions will be return and stop the execution for a different (real) time.

There are cases when an event is generated from an external source (for example a device with its own clock) and it is important to keep the association between the event and the timestamp. This time can be optionally recorded by the YARP logging system as external time.

It is important to understand the difference between setting a custom clock and passing an external timestamp. In the first case, the timestamp is requested to the clock when the event is logged. In the second case, the timestamp is already available, and is passed to the logging system, which will store it together with the other data.


Log Levels

The user is free to use these levels as he wishes, but we recommend to follow these guidelines:

  • [TRACE] - Information useful for the developer. These are normally turned off, and might not be compiled in some configurations.
  • [DEBUG] - Diagnostic information required to debug the application, useful for developers, but also for system administrators, etc.
  • [INFO] - The normal output of the application.
  • [WARNING] - Anything that can cause troubles, but from which the application will recover and continue to run normally.
  • [ERROR] - An error in the application. The application will continue to run, but it might behave in an unexpected way.
  • [FATAL] - An error that will cause the application to stop.

The [FATAL] level, in some cases, can be very dangerous, since it will abort the execution.

Developers often leave lots of debugging lines commented out in their code. These lines, after a while, tend to become useless, since they are not updated when the code is changed, variables renamed or removed, and they just clutter up the code. A better practice is to remove them if they are not needed, or eventually to use [TRACE] for the lines that are actually useful for the developers. Most compilers will just cut any [TRACE] line out of the produced code when building in "Release mode", but they will still interpret the line, ensuring therefore that the debug line is updated together with the code.

Component Variable Name

Please be aware that YARP_LOG_COMPONENT(name) will generate a method name that can generate some namimg conflicts. If the component is used only in one compilation unit (i.e. in a .cpp file), you should consider defining it inside an anonymous namespace, i.e.

namespace {

Component Names

The component name is defined as a string. Any string is valid, nonethleless we recommend to use a hierarchical naming scheme, using . to separate levels. For example, all components in YARP are defined as yarp.*, and components in yarp::os are defined as yarp.os.*.

Logic inside asserts

Asserts are only compiled into code when NDEBUG is not defined. Do not insert code that should always be executed, since this will not be compiled in release mode. For example this is ok:

[[maybe_unused]] bool ret = p.open("...");

but this is not ok, since the port will not be open in release mode:


Note that, in the first example, the [[maybe_unused]] C++ attribute can be used to disable the unused variable warning in release mode, since the ret variable is used only inside the yAssert, and therefore "unused".

Custom Print Callback

While it's technically possible to do anything by replacing the print callback, including forwarding to a different system, it is recommended to avoid any network operation inside the callback.

YARP internal components use the logging system, but disable the forwarding, since this could cause recursion and ultimately crash the program. Using any YARP port inside the custom print callback could have the same implications.

Using other networking systems (for example to send the output to some other logging system) inside the print callback is strongly discouraged. You should use the forward callback for this kind of tasks.

The custom print callback should be used for example to change the format of the output, or to log the output to a file.

Understanding the Implications of Log Forwarding

When log forwarding is demanded to yarprun, the output of the process is simply piped to another process, which will forward it to the logger. YARP logging system understands that the output is being forwarded, and changes the output slightly, to match the format expected by yarplogger. This should not have a big impact on the process. Also note that yarprun will forward all the output of the application, including printf, std::out, etc., even though the extra information will not be attached to these output lines.

On the other hand, enabling the YARP_FORWARD_LOG_ENABLE environment variable will add some extra instructions for every log line, will cause the YARP application to open an extra port, that will have one or more extra thread, requires the Network to be initialized, etc. This could slow down the application, therefore you should take this into account before enabling it.

Limited Output

yDebugOnce() and the other macros are useful in some cases, but you should take into consideration that these macros do not come completely for free, they use a callback mechanism to decide whether the output should be printed or not, and therefore some extra code is executed every time, even when there is no output. Therefore in some cases there might be a good reason for using alternatives.

Formatting Output

The stream version of the debugging macros is faster to use and does not require to know the type of the variable printed, but it offers a very limited way of formatting the output. If you require a proper formatting, the C-style macros are recommended.


The C-style yDebug() macro family is slightly more performant than the stream version, since the stream version implies object construction, copies, and destruction. If you care about the performance of some parts of your code, you should take into consideration the C-style version.

Please note normally the C-style version uses an internal buffer, and therefore it does not use any dynamic allocation of memory, unless the internal buffer is not big enough to fit the output. If you care about performance, you should also ensure that your log output does not exceed 1024 bytes per log line.

Definition: LogComponent.h:77
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, StrStream &sstr)
Definition: utility.cpp:89
#define YARP_LOG_COMPONENT(name,...)
Definition: LogComponent.h:80
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Definition: yarpros.cpp:261
bool open(const std::string &name) override
Start port operation, with a specific name, with automatically-chosen network parameters.
Definition: Port.cpp:82
bool ret
Definition: ImplementAxisInfo.cpp:72
static LogCallback forwardCallback()
Get current forward callback (or nullptr if forwarding is not enabled)
Definition: Log.cpp:874
A mini-server for network communication.
Definition: Port.h:50
static LogType minimumPrintLevel()
Get current minimum print level.
Definition: Log.cpp:805
static LogType minimumForwardLevel()
Get current minimum forward level (or LogTypeReserved if forwarding is not enabled)
Definition: Log.cpp:825
#define yCDebug(component,...)
Definition: LogComponent.h:112
Utilities for manipulating the YARP network, including initialization and shutdown.
Definition: Network.h:786
The main, catch-all namespace for YARP.
Definition: environment.h:18
#define yDebug(...)
Definition: Log.h:237
static LogCallback printCallback()
Get current print callback.
Definition: Log.cpp:852
Definition: LogStream.h:37
#define yAssert(x)
Definition: Log.h:297