Yet Another Robot Platform
Network Servers (Wrappers)

These devices take implementations of existing interfaces and wrap them up to work across the network. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for Network Servers (Wrappers):


class  AnalogWrapper
 analogServer: Device that expose an AnalogSensor (using the IAnalogSensor interface) on the YARP or ROS network. More...
class  AudioPlayerWrapper
 AudioPlayerWrapper: A Wrapper which receives audio streams from a network port and sends it to device for playback More...
class  AudioRecorderWrapper
 AudioRecorderWrapper: A Wrapper which streams audio over the network, after grabbing it from a device More...
class  BatteryWrapper
 batteryWrapper: Device that expose a battery sensor (using the IBattery interface) on the YARP network. More...
class  ControlBoardWrapper
 controlboardwrapper2: An updated version of the controlBoard network wrapper. More...
class  JoypadControlServer
 JoypadControlServer: Documentation to be added More...
class  Map2DServer
 map2DServer: A device capable of read/save collections of maps from disk, and make them accessible to any Map2DClient device. More...
class  GenericSensorRosPublisher< ROS_MSG >
 This abstract template needs to be specialized in a ROS Publisher, for a specific ROS mesagge/sensor type. More...
class  IMURosPublisher
 IMURosPublisher: This wrapper connects to a device and publishes a ROS topic of type sensor_msgs::Imu. More...
class  MagneticFieldRosPublisher
 MagneticFieldRosPublisher: This wrapper connects to a device and publishes a ROS topic of type sensor_msgs::MagneticField. More...
class  PoseStampedRosPublisher
 PoseStampedRosPublisher: This wrapper connects to a device and publishes a ROS topic of type geometry_msgs::PoseStamped. More...
class  TemperatureRosPublisher
 TemperatureRosPublisher: This wrapper connects to a device and publishes a ROS topic of type sensor_msgs::Temperature. More...
class  WrenchStampedRosPublisher
 WrenchStampedRosPublisher: This wrapper connects to a device and publishes a ROS topic of type geometry_msgs::WrenchStamped. More...
class  MultipleAnalogSensorsServer
 multipleanalogsensorsserver: The server side of the MultipleAnalogSensorsClient, useful to expose device implementing MultipleAnalogSensors interfaces over the YARP network. More...
class  RGBDSensorWrapper
 RGBDSensorWrapper: A Network grabber for kinect-like devices. More...
class  RobotDescriptionServer
 robotDescriptionServer: This device is a storage which contains a list of the currently opened device drivers. More...
class  ServerFrameGrabber
 grabber: Export a frame grabber to the network. More...
class  ServerGrabber
 grabberDual: A Network grabber for camera devices. More...
class  ServerInertial
 inertial: Export an inertial sensor. More...
class  ServerSerial
 serial: Export a serial sensor. More...
class  ServerSoundGrabber
 ServerSoundGrabber: Export a microphone device streaming sound samples More...
class  VirtualAnalogWrapper
 virtualAnalogServer: An analog wrapper for virtual device A virtual device is a software emulated device, for example force-torque computed from a real sensor and then relocated to another part of the robot or some kind of estimated measurement needed by the robot. More...

Detailed Description

These devices take implementations of existing interfaces and wrap them up to work across the network.