Yet Another Robot Platform
yarp::os::impl Namespace Reference

The components from which ports and connections are built. More...




class  AuthHMAC
 3-way authentication via HMAC More...
class  BottleImpl
 A flexible data format for holding a bunch of numbers and strings. More...
class  BufferedConnectionWriter
 A helper for creating cached object descriptions. More...
class  ConnectionRecorder
 A helper for recording entire message/reply transactions. More...
class  DgramTwoWayStream
 A stream abstraction for datagram communication. More...
class  Dispatcher
 Dispatch to named methods based on string input. More...
class  FakeFace
 A dummy Face for testing purposes. More...
class  FakeTwoWayStream
 A dummy two way stream for testing purposes. More...
class  FallbackNameClient
 A client for the FallbackNameServer class. More...
class  FallbackNameServer
 Multi-cast server, for last resort information sharing about name information – when config files are missing or wrong. More...
class  HttpCarrier
 Communicating via http. More...
class  HttpTwoWayStream
 Minimal http connection support. More...
class  LocalCarrier
 A carrier for communicating locally within a process. More...
class  LocalCarrierManager
 Coordinate ports communicating locally within a process. More...
class  LocalCarrierStream
 A stream for communicating locally within a process. More...
class  LogForwarder
class  LogPrivate
class  McastCarrier
 Communicating between two ports via MCAST. More...
class  MemoryOutputStream
 An OutputStream that writes to a given memory buffer address. More...
class  NameClient
 Client for YARP name server. More...
class  NameConfig
 Small helper class to help deal with legacy YARP configuration files. More...
class  NameserCarrier
 Communicating between two ports via a variant plain-text protocol originally designed for the yarp name server. More...
class  NameserTwoWayStream
 Communicating between two ports via a variant plain-text protocol originally designed for the yarp name server. More...
class  NameServer
 Implementation of a YARP2-conforming name server. More...
class  NameServerStub
 Stub for a YARP2-conforming name server. More...
class  PortCommand
 Simple Readable and Writable object representing a command to a YARP port. More...
class  PortCore
class  PortCoreAdapter
class  PortCoreInputUnit
 Manager for a single input to a port. More...
class  PortCoreOutputUnit
 Manager for a single output from a port. More...
class  PortCorePacket
 A single message, potentially being transmitted on multiple connections. More...
class  PortCorePackets
 A collection of messages being transmitted over connections. More...
class  PortCoreUnit
 This manages a single threaded resource related to a single input or output connection. More...
class  PortDataModifier
 This is the heart of a yarp port. More...
class  Protocol
 Connection choreographer. More...
class  SharedLibraryImpl
class  SocketTwoWayStream
 A stream abstraction for socket communication. More...
class  SplitString
 Split a string into pieces. More...
class  Storable
 A single item in a Bottle. More...
class  StoreBlob
 A binary blob item. More...
class  StoreDict
 Key/value pairs. More...
class  StoreFloat32
 A 32-bit floating point number item. More...
class  StoreFloat64
 A 64-bit floating point number item. More...
class  StoreInt16
 A 16-bit integer item. More...
class  StoreInt32
 A 32-bit integer item. More...
class  StoreInt64
 A 64-bit integer item. More...
class  StoreInt8
 A 8-bit integer item. More...
class  StoreList
 A nested list of items. More...
class  StoreNull
 An empty item. More...
class  StoreString
 A string item. More...
class  StoreVocab
 A vocabulary item. More...
class  StreamConnectionReader
 Lets Readable objects read from the underlying InputStream associated with the connection between two ports. More...
class  TcpCarrier
 Communicating between two ports via TCP. More...
class  TcpFace
 Communicating with a port via TCP. More...
class  TextCarrier
 Communicating between two ports via a plain-text protocol. More...
class  ThreadImpl
 An abstraction for a thread of execution. More...
class  UdpCarrier
 Communicating between two ports via UDP. More...


typedef struct ::stat YARP_stat
typedef struct timeval YARP_timeval


void getTime (YARP_timeval &now)
void sleepThread (YARP_timeval &sleep_period)
void addTime (YARP_timeval &val, const YARP_timeval &add)
void subtractTime (YARP_timeval &val, const YARP_timeval &subtract)
double toDouble (const YARP_timeval &v)
void fromDouble (YARP_timeval &v, double x, int unit=1)
template<typename T >
std::int32_t subCoder (T &content)



Detailed Description

The components from which ports and connections are built.

These classes are not intended for regular users, but rather for those extending YARP to new situations.

Unlike the classes in yarp::os, yarp::sig, and yarp::dev, there are dependencies on the ACE library here.

Typedef Documentation

◆ YARP_stat

typedef struct ::stat yarp::os::impl::YARP_stat

Definition at line 1 of file PlatformSysStat.h.

◆ YARP_timeval

typedef struct timeval yarp::os::impl::YARP_timeval

Definition at line 1 of file PlatformTime.h.

Function Documentation

◆ addTime()

void yarp::os::impl::addTime ( YARP_timeval val,
const YARP_timeval add 

Definition at line 47 of file PlatformTime.cpp.

◆ fromDouble()

void yarp::os::impl::fromDouble ( YARP_timeval v,
double  x,
int  unit = 1 

Definition at line 88 of file PlatformTime.cpp.

◆ getTime()

void yarp::os::impl::getTime ( YARP_timeval now)

Definition at line 18 of file PlatformTime.cpp.

◆ sleepThread()

void yarp::os::impl::sleepThread ( YARP_timeval sleep_period)

Definition at line 38 of file PlatformTime.cpp.

◆ subCoder()

template<typename T >
std::int32_t yarp::os::impl::subCoder ( T &  content)

Definition at line 1167 of file Storable.h.

◆ subtractTime()

void yarp::os::impl::subtractTime ( YARP_timeval val,
const YARP_timeval subtract 

Definition at line 62 of file PlatformTime.cpp.

◆ toDouble()

double yarp::os::impl::toDouble ( const YARP_timeval v)

Definition at line 79 of file PlatformTime.cpp.

Variable Documentation


constexpr size_t yarp::os::impl::BUFFERED_CONNECTION_INITIAL_POOL_SIZE = 1024

Definition at line 33 of file BufferedConnectionWriter.h.