Yet Another Robot Platform
V4L_camera Class Reference

#include <usbCamera/linux/V4L_camera.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for V4L_camera:

Public Member Functions

 V4L_camera ()
bool open (yarp::os::Searchable &config) override
 open device More...
bool close () override
 close device More...
yarp::os::Stamp getLastInputStamp () override
 Return the time stamp relative to the last acquisition. More...
bool getRgbBuffer (unsigned char *buffer) override
 Get a rgb buffer from the frame grabber, if required demosaicking/color reconstruction is applied. More...
bool getRawBuffer (unsigned char *buffer) override
 Get the raw buffer from the frame grabber. More...
int getRawBufferSize () override
 Get the size of the card's internal buffer, the user should use this method to allocate the storage to contain a raw frame (getRawBuffer). More...
int height () const override
 Return the height of each frame. More...
int width () const override
 Return the width of each frame. More...
int getRgbHeight () override
 Return the height of each frame. More...
int getRgbWidth () override
 Return the width of each frame. More...
bool getRgbSupportedConfigurations (yarp::sig::VectorOf< yarp::dev::CameraConfig > &configurations) override
 Get the possible configurations of the camera. More...
bool getRgbResolution (int &width, int &height) override
 Get the resolution of the rgb image from the camera. More...
bool setRgbResolution (int width, int height) override
 Set the resolution of the rgb image from the camera. More...
bool getRgbFOV (double &horizontalFov, double &verticalFov) override
 Get the field of view (FOV) of the rgb camera. More...
bool setRgbFOV (double horizontalFov, double verticalFov) override
 Set the field of view (FOV) of the rgb camera. More...
bool getRgbIntrinsicParam (yarp::os::Property &intrinsic) override
 Get the intrinsic parameters of the rgb camera. More...
bool getRgbMirroring (bool &mirror) override
 Get the mirroring setting of the sensor. More...
bool setRgbMirroring (bool mirror) override
 Set the mirroring setting of the sensor. More...
bool getCameraDescription (CameraDescriptor *camera) override
 Get a basic description of the camera hw. More...
bool hasFeature (int feature, bool *hasFeature) override
 Check if camera has the requested feature (saturation, brightness ... More...
bool setFeature (int feature, double value) override
 Set the requested feature to a value (saturation, brightness ... More...
bool getFeature (int feature, double *value) override
 Get the current value for the requested feature. More...
bool setFeature (int feature, double value1, double value2) override
 Set the requested feature to a value using 2 params (like white balance) More...
bool getFeature (int feature, double *value1, double *value2) override
 Get the current value for the requested feature. More...
bool hasOnOff (int feature, bool *_hasOnOff) override
 Check if the camera has the ability to turn on/off the requested feature. More...
bool setActive (int feature, bool onoff) override
 Set the requested feature on or off. More...
bool getActive (int feature, bool *_isActive) override
 Get the current status of the feature, on or off. More...
bool hasAuto (int feature, bool *_hasAuto) override
 Check if the requested feature has the 'auto' mode. More...
bool hasManual (int feature, bool *_hasManual) override
 Check if the requested feature has the 'manual' mode. More...
bool hasOnePush (int feature, bool *_hasOnePush) override
 Check if the requested feature has the 'onePush' mode. More...
bool setMode (int feature, FeatureMode mode) override
 Set the requested mode for the feature. More...
bool getMode (int feature, FeatureMode *mode) override
 Get the current mode for the feature. More...
bool setOnePush (int feature) override
 Set the requested feature to a value (saturation, brightness ... More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from yarp::dev::DeviceDriver
 ~DeviceDriver () override=default
 Destructor. More...
template<class T >
bool view (T *&x)
 Get an interface to the device driver. More...
virtual DeviceDrivergetImplementation ()
 Some drivers are bureaucrats, pointing at others. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from yarp::os::IConfig
virtual ~IConfig ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual bool configure (Searchable &config)
 Change online parameters. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberRgb
virtual ~IFrameGrabberRgb ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from yarp::dev::IFrameGrabber
virtual ~IFrameGrabber ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberControls
virtual ~IFrameGrabberControls ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual bool setBrightness (double v)
 Set the brightness. More...
virtual bool setExposure (double v)
 Set the exposure. More...
virtual bool setSharpness (double v)
 Set the sharpness. More...
virtual bool setWhiteBalance (double blue, double red)
 Set the white balance for the frame grabber. More...
virtual bool setHue (double v)
 Set the hue. More...
virtual bool setSaturation (double v)
 Set the saturation. More...
virtual bool setGamma (double v)
 Set the gamma. More...
virtual bool setShutter (double v)
 Set the shutter parameter. More...
virtual bool setGain (double v)
 Set the gain. More...
virtual bool setIris (double v)
 Set the iris. More...
virtual double getBrightness ()
 Read the brightness parameter. More...
virtual double getExposure ()
 Read the exposure parameter. More...
virtual double getSharpness ()
 Read the sharpness parameter. More...
virtual bool getWhiteBalance (double &blue, double &red)
 Read the white balance parameters. More...
virtual double getHue ()
 Read the hue parameter. More...
virtual double getSaturation ()
 Read the saturation parameter. More...
virtual double getGamma ()
 Read the gamma parameter. More...
virtual double getShutter ()
 Read the shutter parameter. More...
virtual double getGain ()
 Read the gain parameter. More...
virtual double getIris ()
 Read the iris parameter. More...
cameraFeature_id_t featureVOCABEnum (int vocab)
int featureEnum2Vocab (cameraFeature_id_t _enum)
std::string busType2String (BusType type)
FeatureMode toFeatureMode (bool _auto)
- Public Member Functions inherited from yarp::dev::IPreciselyTimed
virtual ~IPreciselyTimed ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from yarp::os::PeriodicThread
 PeriodicThread (double period, ShouldUseSystemClock useSystemClock=ShouldUseSystemClock::No)
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~PeriodicThread ()
bool start ()
 Call this to start the thread. More...
void step ()
 Call this to "step" the thread rather than starting it. More...
void stop ()
 Call this to stop the thread, this call blocks until the thread is terminated (and releaseThread() called). More...
void askToStop ()
 Stop the thread. More...
bool isRunning () const
 Returns true when the thread is started, false otherwise. More...
bool isSuspended () const
 Returns true when the thread is suspended, false otherwise. More...
bool setPeriod (double period)
 Set the (new) period of the thread. More...
double getPeriod () const
 Return the current period of the thread. More...
void suspend ()
 Suspend the thread, the thread keeps running by doLoop is never executed. More...
void resume ()
 Resume the thread if previously suspended. More...
void resetStat ()
 Reset thread statistics. More...
double getEstimatedPeriod () const
 Return estimated period since last reset. More...
void getEstimatedPeriod (double &av, double &std) const
 Return estimated period since last reset. More...
unsigned int getIterations () const
 Return the number of iterations performed since last reset. More...
double getEstimatedUsed () const
 Return the estimated duration of the run() function since last reset. More...
void getEstimatedUsed (double &av, double &std) const
 Return estimated duration of the run() function since last reset. More...
int setPriority (int priority, int policy=-1)
 Set the priority and scheduling policy of the thread, if the OS supports that. More...
int getPriority () const
 Query the current priority of the thread, if the OS supports that. More...
int getPolicy () const
 Query the current scheduling policy of the thread, if the OS supports that. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from yarp::dev::IRgbVisualParams
virtual ~IRgbVisualParams ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from yarp::os::PeriodicThread
virtual void beforeStart ()
 Called just before a new thread starts. More...
virtual void afterStart (bool success)
 Called just after a new thread starts (or fails to start), this is executed by the same thread that calls start(). More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 141 of file V4L_camera.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ V4L_camera()

V4L_camera::V4L_camera ( )

Definition at line 100 of file V4L_camera.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ close()

bool V4L_camera::close ( )

close device

Reimplemented from yarp::dev::DeviceDriver.

Definition at line 882 of file V4L_camera.cpp.

◆ getActive()

bool V4L_camera::getActive ( int  feature,
bool *  isActive 

Get the current status of the feature, on or off.

featurethe identifier of the feature to check
isActiveflag true if the feature is active, false otherwise
returns true if success, false otherwise (e.g. the interface is not implemented)

Implements yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberControls.

Definition at line 1810 of file V4L_camera.cpp.

◆ getCameraDescription()

bool V4L_camera::getCameraDescription ( CameraDescriptor camera)

Get a basic description of the camera hw.

This is mainly used to determine the HW bus type in order to choose the corresponding interface for advanced controls.

devicereturns an identifier for the bus
returns true if success, false otherwise (e.g. the interface is not implemented)

Implements yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberControls.

Definition at line 1631 of file V4L_camera.cpp.

◆ getFeature() [1/2]

bool V4L_camera::getFeature ( int  feature,
double *  value 

Get the current value for the requested feature.

featurethe identifier of the feature to read
valuepointer to current value of the feature, from 0 to 1 expressed as a percentage
returns true on success, false on failure.

Implements yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberControls.

Definition at line 1684 of file V4L_camera.cpp.

◆ getFeature() [2/2]

bool V4L_camera::getFeature ( int  feature,
double *  value1,
double *  value2 

Get the current value for the requested feature.

featurethe identifier of the feaature to read
value1returns the current value of the feature, from 0 to 1 expressed as a percentage
value2returns the current value of the feature, from 0 to 1 expressed as a percentage
returns true on success, false on failure.

Implements yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberControls.

Definition at line 1722 of file V4L_camera.cpp.

◆ getLastInputStamp()

yarp::os::Stamp V4L_camera::getLastInputStamp ( )

Return the time stamp relative to the last acquisition.

Implements yarp::dev::IPreciselyTimed.

Definition at line 154 of file V4L_camera.cpp.

◆ getMode()

bool V4L_camera::getMode ( int  feature,
FeatureMode mode 

Get the current mode for the feature.

featurethe identifier of the feature to change
hasAutoflag true if the feature is has 'auto' mode, false otherwise
returns true if success, false otherwise (e.g. the interface is not implemented)

Implements yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberControls.

Definition at line 1971 of file V4L_camera.cpp.

◆ getRawBuffer()

bool V4L_camera::getRawBuffer ( unsigned char *  buffer)

Get the raw buffer from the frame grabber.

The driver returns a copy of the internal memory buffer acquired by the frame grabber, no post processing is applied (e.g. no color reconstruction/demosaicking). The user must allocate the buffer; the size of the buffer, in bytes, is determined by calling getRawBufferSize().

bufferpointer to the buffer to be filled (must be previously allocated)
true/false upon success/failure

Implements yarp::dev::IFrameGrabber.

Definition at line 927 of file V4L_camera.cpp.

◆ getRawBufferSize()

int V4L_camera::getRawBufferSize ( )

Get the size of the card's internal buffer, the user should use this method to allocate the storage to contain a raw frame (getRawBuffer).

the size of the internal buffer, in bytes.

Implements yarp::dev::IFrameGrabber.

Definition at line 943 of file V4L_camera.cpp.

◆ getRgbBuffer()

bool V4L_camera::getRgbBuffer ( unsigned char *  buffer)

Get a rgb buffer from the frame grabber, if required demosaicking/color reconstruction is applied.

bufferpointer to the buffer to be filled (must be previously allocated)
true/false upon success/failure

Implements yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberRgb.

Definition at line 903 of file V4L_camera.cpp.

◆ getRgbFOV()

bool V4L_camera::getRgbFOV ( double &  horizontalFov,
double &  verticalFov 

Get the field of view (FOV) of the rgb camera.

horizontalFovwill return the value of the horizontal fov in degrees
verticalFovwill return the value of the vertical fov in degrees
true on success

Implements yarp::dev::IRgbVisualParams.

Definition at line 348 of file V4L_camera.cpp.

◆ getRgbHeight()

int V4L_camera::getRgbHeight ( )

Return the height of each frame.

rgb image height

Implements yarp::dev::IRgbVisualParams.

Definition at line 313 of file V4L_camera.cpp.

◆ getRgbIntrinsicParam()

bool V4L_camera::getRgbIntrinsicParam ( yarp::os::Property intrinsic)

Get the intrinsic parameters of the rgb camera.

intrinsicreturn a Property containing intrinsic parameters of the optical model of the camera.
true if success

The yarp::os::Property describing the intrinsic parameters is expected to be in the form:

Parameter name SubParameter Type Units Default Value Required Description Notes
physFocalLength - double m - Yes Physical focal length of the lens in meters
focalLengthX - double pixel - Yes Horizontal component of the focal length as a multiple of pixel width
focalLengthY - double pixel - Yes Vertical component of the focal length as a multiple of pixel height
principalPointX - double pixel - Yes X coordinate of the principal point
principalPointY - double pixel - Yes Y coordinate of the principal point
retificationMatrix - 4x4 double matrix - - Yes Matrix that describes the lens' distortion
distortionModel - string - - Yes Reference to group of parameters describing the distortion model of the camera, example 'cameraDistortionModelGroup' This is another group's name to be searched for in the config file
name string - - Yes Name of the distortion model, see notes right now only 'plumb_bob' is supported
k1 double - - Yes Radial distortion coefficient of the lens
k2 double - - Yes Radial distortion coefficient of the lens
k3 double - - Yes Radial distortion coefficient of the lens
t1 double - - Yes Tangential distortion of the lens
t2 double - - Yes Tangential distortion of the lens

Implements yarp::dev::IRgbVisualParams.

Definition at line 361 of file V4L_camera.cpp.

◆ getRgbMirroring()

bool V4L_camera::getRgbMirroring ( bool &  mirror)

Get the mirroring setting of the sensor.

mirrortrue if image is mirrored, false otherwise
true if success

Implements yarp::dev::IRgbVisualParams.

Definition at line 367 of file V4L_camera.cpp.

◆ getRgbResolution()

bool V4L_camera::getRgbResolution ( int &  width,
int &  height 

Get the resolution of the rgb image from the camera.

widthimage width
heightimage height
true on success

Reimplemented from yarp::dev::IRgbVisualParams.

Definition at line 328 of file V4L_camera.cpp.

◆ getRgbSupportedConfigurations()

bool V4L_camera::getRgbSupportedConfigurations ( yarp::sig::VectorOf< yarp::dev::CameraConfig > &  configurations)

Get the possible configurations of the camera.

configurationslist of camera supported configurations as CameraConfig type
true on success

Reimplemented from yarp::dev::IRgbVisualParams.

Definition at line 323 of file V4L_camera.cpp.

◆ getRgbWidth()

int V4L_camera::getRgbWidth ( )

Return the width of each frame.

rgb image width

Implements yarp::dev::IRgbVisualParams.

Definition at line 318 of file V4L_camera.cpp.

◆ hasAuto()

bool V4L_camera::hasAuto ( int  feature,
bool *  hasAuto 

Check if the requested feature has the 'auto' mode.

featurethe identifier of the feature to check
hasAutoflag true if the feature is has 'auto' mode, false otherwise
returns true if success, false otherwise (e.g. the interface is not implemented)

Implements yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberControls.

Definition at line 1843 of file V4L_camera.cpp.

◆ hasFeature()

bool V4L_camera::hasFeature ( int  feature,
bool *  hasFeature 

Check if camera has the requested feature (saturation, brightness ...


featurethe identifier of the feature to check
hasFeatureflag value: true if the feature is present, false otherwise
returns true if success, false otherwise (e.g. the interface is not implemented)

Implements yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberControls.

Definition at line 1638 of file V4L_camera.cpp.

◆ hasManual()

bool V4L_camera::hasManual ( int  feature,
bool *  hasManual 

Check if the requested feature has the 'manual' mode.

featurethe identifier of the feature to check
hasAutoflag true if the feature is has 'manual' mode, false otherwise
returns true if success, false otherwise (e.g. the interface is not implemented)

Implements yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberControls.

Definition at line 1873 of file V4L_camera.cpp.

◆ hasOnePush()

bool V4L_camera::hasOnePush ( int  feature,
bool *  hasOnePush 

Check if the requested feature has the 'onePush' mode.

featurethe identifier of the feature to check
hasAutoflag true if the feature is has 'onePush' mode, false otherwise
returns true if success, false otherwise (e.g. the interface is not implemented)

Implements yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberControls.

Definition at line 1887 of file V4L_camera.cpp.

◆ hasOnOff()

bool V4L_camera::hasOnOff ( int  feature,
bool *  HasOnOff 

Check if the camera has the ability to turn on/off the requested feature.

featurethe identifier of the feature to change
hasOnOffflag true if this feature can be turned on/off, false otherwise.
returns true if success, false otherwise (e.g. the interface is not implemented)

Implements yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberControls.

Definition at line 1732 of file V4L_camera.cpp.

◆ height()

int V4L_camera::height ( ) const

Return the height of each frame.

image height

Implements yarp::dev::IFrameGrabber.

Definition at line 952 of file V4L_camera.cpp.

◆ open()

bool V4L_camera::open ( yarp::os::Searchable config)

open device

Reimplemented from yarp::dev::DeviceDriver.

Definition at line 234 of file V4L_camera.cpp.

◆ setActive()

bool V4L_camera::setActive ( int  feature,
bool  onoff 

Set the requested feature on or off.

featurethe identifier of the feature to change
onofftrue to activate, off to deactivate the feature
returns true on success, false on failure.

Implements yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberControls.

Definition at line 1760 of file V4L_camera.cpp.

◆ setFeature() [1/2]

bool V4L_camera::setFeature ( int  feature,
double  value 

Set the requested feature to a value (saturation, brightness ...


featurethe identifier of the feature to change
valuenew value of the feature, range from 0 to 1 expressed as a percentage
returns true if success, false otherwise (e.g. the interface is not implemented)

Implements yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberControls.

Definition at line 1665 of file V4L_camera.cpp.

◆ setFeature() [2/2]

bool V4L_camera::setFeature ( int  feature,
double  value1,
double  value2 

Set the requested feature to a value using 2 params (like white balance)

featurethe identifier of the feature to change
value1first param, from 0 to 1 expressed as a percentage
value2second param, from 0 to 1 expressed as a percentage
returns true if success, false otherwise (e.g. the interface is not implemented)

Implements yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberControls.

Definition at line 1709 of file V4L_camera.cpp.

◆ setMode()

bool V4L_camera::setMode ( int  feature,
FeatureMode  mode 

Set the requested mode for the feature.

featurethe identifier of the feature to change
auto_onofftrue to activate 'auto' mode, false to activate 'manual' mode
returns true on success, false on failure.

Implements yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberControls.

Definition at line 1902 of file V4L_camera.cpp.

◆ setOnePush()

bool V4L_camera::setOnePush ( int  feature)

Set the requested feature to a value (saturation, brightness ...


featurethe identifier of the feature to change
valuenew value of the feature, from 0 to 1 as a percentage of param range
returns true on success, false on failure.

Implements yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberControls.

Definition at line 2038 of file V4L_camera.cpp.

◆ setRgbFOV()

bool V4L_camera::setRgbFOV ( double  horizontalFov,
double  verticalFov 

Set the field of view (FOV) of the rgb camera.

horizontalFovwill set the value of the horizontal fov in degrees
verticalFovwill set the value of the vertical fov in degrees
true on success

Implements yarp::dev::IRgbVisualParams.

Definition at line 355 of file V4L_camera.cpp.

◆ setRgbMirroring()

bool V4L_camera::setRgbMirroring ( bool  mirror)

Set the mirroring setting of the sensor.

mirrortrue if image should be mirrored, false otherwise
true if success

Implements yarp::dev::IRgbVisualParams.

Definition at line 374 of file V4L_camera.cpp.

◆ setRgbResolution()

bool V4L_camera::setRgbResolution ( int  width,
int  height 

Set the resolution of the rgb image from the camera.

widthimage width
heightimage height
true on success

Implements yarp::dev::IRgbVisualParams.

Definition at line 335 of file V4L_camera.cpp.

◆ width()

int V4L_camera::width ( ) const

Return the width of each frame.

image width

Implements yarp::dev::IFrameGrabber.

Definition at line 965 of file V4L_camera.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: