Yet Another Robot Platform
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double principalPointY
Vertical coordinate of the principal point of the image, as a pixel offset from the top edge.
This is a base class for objects that can be both read from and be written to the YARP network.
bool read(ImageOf< PixelRgb > &dest, const std::string &src, image_fileformat format=FORMAT_ANY)
double physFocalLength
Physical focal length of the lens (m)
double focalLengthY
Result of the product of the physical focal length(mm) and the size sy of the individual imager eleme...
The DistortionModel struct representing the distortion model of the camera.
double principalPointX
Horizontal coordinate of the principal point of the image, as a pixel offset from the left edge.
An interface for writing to a network connection.
double focalLengthX
Result of the product of the physical focal length(mm) and the size sx of the individual imager eleme...
The YarpDistortion enum to define the type of the distortion model of the camera.
An interface for reading from a network connection.
DistortionModel distortionModel
Distortion model of the image.
The main, catch-all namespace for YARP.
bool write(const ImageOf< PixelRgb > &src, const std::string &dest, image_fileformat format=FORMAT_PPM)
The IntrinsicParams struct to handle the intrinsic parameter of cameras(RGB and RGBD either).
A class for storing options and configuration information.
Rectilinear images.